District Court May 21

Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 29, 2008

District Court
Abbreviation Key
CAAFóCourt-appointed attorney fee.
CSWóCommunity service work.
DCóDismissed by the court.
DDóDismissal without leave after deferred prosecution.
LDPóLimited driving privilege.
NAóNotice of appeal.
NGóNot guilty.
PJC/CóPrayer for judgment continued/court costs.
VDóDismissal without leave by district attorney.
Disposition of cases heard May 21 in Rowan District Criminal, Traffic and Infractions Court by Judge Beth Dixon:
– Possession of drug paraphernalia ó Ryan Alexander Adcock, credit time served, evidence to be destroyed, also possession of up to a ounce of marijuana, VD; Larry J. Carpenter, 12 months probation, $100 fine, court cost, 24 hours CSW, drug education course, evidence to be destroyed, transfer to Cumberland County, also possession of up to a ounce of marijuana, VD; Vamar Byers Culbreth, also possession of up to a ounce of marijuana, 45 days, suspended 12 months, $50 fine, court cost, transfer to Mecklenburg County, evidence to be destroyed, also expired/no inspection sticker, VD; Joseph Dean Short, 12 months probation, $50 fine, court cost, 24 hours CSW, drug education course; Rodney Darnell Tillman, 20 days, also possession of up to a ounce of marijuana, VD; Joseph Daevon Walker, also no operator’s license, 90 days, credit 11 days served, also failure to stop for stop sign/flashing red light, VD, also possession of up to a ounce of marijuana, VD; Timothy L. Witchard, eight days, credit time served, evidence to be destroyed,also possession of up to a ounce of marijuana, VD; Mandella Q. Wolfe, 30 days, suspended 12 months, $200 fine, court cost, also white light rear-drive forward, VD.
– Driving while impaired ó Brian Keith Beaver, 60 days, suspended one year, $100 fine, court cost, 24 hours CSW, LDP, also speeding, VD; Richard A. Carpenter, six months, suspended, 24 months probation, $500 fine, court cost, CAAF, 72 hours CSW, also driving left of center, VD; Roger Dale Houston, NG, also driving while license revoked, NG, also expired/no inspection sticker, driving/allowing motor vehicle with registration plate not displayed to be driven, no liability insurance and unsafe lane change, VD in all four cases; Gary Russell Roach, 120 days, suspended 18 months, $200 fine, court cost, 48 hours CSW, NA, also driver failure to wear seat belt, $25 fine, also possessing open container/consuming alcohol in passenger area, VD, also reckless driving to endanger, VD.
– Driving while license revoked ó Connie Corl Bigham, 30 days, suspended 12 months, $100 fine, court cost; Jesse Dean Ciancimino, also driver failure to wear seat belt, 120 days, suspended, 12 months probation including six months intensive probation, $225, court cost, CAAF, also expired/no inspection sticker, operating vehicle with no insurance and unsafe tires, VD in all three cases; Kelly Scott Daniels, 20 days, credit nine days served, also possession of stolen goods/property, VD; Joshua Wade Dixon, two charges, 30 days, suspended, 12 months probation, $200 fine, court cost; Meredith Lee Gobble, also expired/no inspection sticker, VD; Amy Proctor Gulledge, two charges, 45 days, suspended, 18 months probation, $200 fine, court cost, Life Skills course; Santo Monicon Shipp Jr., also simple possession of Schedule VI controlled substance, 19 days, credit time served.
– Simple affray ó Ashley N. Bracken, also injury to personal property, DC; Alexis Samone Morris, PJC/C, CAAF; Matthew Damion Parham, PJC/C; Andrew Taylor Turner, five days, suspended six months, $50 fine, court cost, 24 hours CSW.
– Failure to notify Department of Motor Vehicles of address change ó Justin Ryan Brawley, Brendetta C. Russell, $50 fine, court cost; Jeffrey Wayne Hilton, $50 fine, court cost,also operating vehicle with no insurance, VD, also expired/no inspection sticker, VD; Genia Charisse Woods, two charges, $100 fine, court cost, also possessing/displaying altered, fictitious, revoked driver’s license, VD.
– Giving fictitious information to officer ó Gregory Scott Bryant, also failure to notify Department of Motor Vehicles of address change and driver failure to wear seat belt, 10 days, suspended six months, $75 fine, court cost, Life Skills classes, also possessing/ displaying altered, fictitious, revoked driver’s license, VD.
– Unsafe movement ó Betty Mowery Campbell, VD; Jennifer Lynn Parrish, also driver failure to wear seat belt, $50 fine, court cost, also license not in possession, VD, also failure to notify Department of Motor Vehicles of address change, VD; Zenaida V. Sanchez, $25 fine, court cost, also hit-run/leave scene/property damage, VD; Arthur A. Short, Tara Nicole Wilkerson, $25 fine, court cost.
– Speeding ó Kevin John Campbell, Bruce Jay Holmes, Christopher W. Johnson, Russell James Lindsay, Tempestt L. Owens, Walter M. Reardon, $15 fine, court cost; James Clabern Cook, Wilber O. Gutierrez, Jeremy C. Hathaway, James L. Hazelwood, PJC/C; Thomas Wayne Goodman, $15 fine, court cost, also expired/no inspection sticker, VD; Sherry Leona Shaw, also expired/no inspection sticker, PJC/C.
– Expired registration card/tag ó Aaron Thomas Cauble, Bryan Foster Turman, VD.
– Exceeding safe speed ó Michael Lynn Cecil, $35 fine, court cost; Julio Rubio Martinez, VD, also unsafe lane change, VD; Demarcus D. Stalling, VD.
– Misdemeanor larceny ó Elbert Leon Chambers, 120 days, no contact with witness, NA.
– Dangerous dog unrestrained ó Teleshia R. Chambers, $50 fine, court cost.
– Possession of up to a ounce of marijuana ó Shawn Andre Cherry, 10 days, suspended six months, $100 fine, court cost.
– Driver failure to wear seat belt ó Lauren Marie B. Cloer, $25 fine, court cost; Joe Damion Elliott, $25 fine, court cost, also no registration card, VD; Joshua Paul Tingler, $25 fine, court cost, also driving while license revoked, VD.
– Assault with a deadly weapon ó Timothy F. Cowan, DC.
– Assault on a female ó Charlie F. Crowley, DC.
– Operating vehicle with no insurance ó Anthony Laronn Davis, also no operator’s license and expired registration card/tag, $100 fine, court cost, also possessing/displaying fictitious, cancelled, revoked registration card/tag, VD, and possessing/ displaying altered, fictitious, revoked driver’s license, VD; Gregory Monroe Kimber, also possessing/displaying fictitious, cancelled, revoked registration card/tag, 21 days, credit time served; Sean Ramon Rankin, VD; John Mark Snider,VD, also possessing/displaying fictitious, cancelled, revoked registration card/tag, VD.
– Assault and battery ó Jackie Elkins, DD, six months probation, court cost, 24 hours CSW.
– Failure to stop for steady red light ó Toni Lynne Greene, VD.
– Carrying concealed weapon ó Joshua Grissett, PJC/C.
– Second-degree trespassing ó Rochelle L. Hamilton, 10 days, remain away from North Shaver Street.
– Failure to reduce speed ó Sheila A. Harrell, Theresa B. Russell, Timothy L. Stephens, Sierra N. Watkins, VD.
– Unsafe lane change ó Wesley B. Honeycutt, VD.
– Simple assault ó Justin Cole Lowder, seven days, suspended six months, court cost, Life Skills course, not assault, harass, threaten or contact victim.
– Following too closely ó Joshua C. Perkins, VD.
– Carrying concealed gun ó Brandon Eugene Rhodes, 15 days, suspended, 12 months probation, $50 fine, court cost, CAAF, evidence to be destroyed, Life Skills course.
– Misdemeanor probation violation out-of-county ó Marcus F. Robinson, 45 days, also two charges driving while license revoked and second-degree trespassing, 90 days to run concurrently.
– Weapons on educational property ó Donovan Romanek, PJC/C.
– Careless and reckless driving ó John Jason Davis, $50 fine, court cost.
– Resisting public officer ó Calvin Reid, also driving while license revoked, 42 days, credit time served, also reckless driving to endanger, VD.