Ask Ester: Sticking with the program

Published 12:00 am Friday, May 8, 2009

Q. I am eating right and I am exercising five times a week. Why is my weight not going down faster?
A. That darn scale! At one point in my life it was controlling my eating and exercising regimen ó not good.
First, I ask people how long it took to add that weight. Not overnight, right?
What are you doing for exercise, and are you really eating what you are supposed to? What I have found out is that so many people are eating foods that are better for them ó but too much of it. One plate of spaghetti does not equal one serving of carbohydrates (and YES you do need carbohydrates, commonly called carbs).One plate might contain four to six servings of carbs! Also, “no fat” does not mean “no calories.” Even too much fruit (which is excellent for you) can increase your caloric intake tremendously. How about your healthy smoothie? You will be surprised how many calories you consume with one of those.
I was talking recently with a trainer about people who constantly ask for advice but turn around and completely ignore it. I am willing to help people forever who are actually trying to do better. It takes so many “downs” before you have one “up” … but we are here for you. Nobody can change a lifestyle in a day or even a month.
Most everyone can lose weight; keeping it off is where people run into problems. The crash diets don’t work anymore; the shots and pills don’t work and actually are bad for your health. It took a while before hydroxi cut came off the shelf but it did.
I guess you’ve figured out where I stand on taking pills and shots to lose weight. I believe in hard work and a dedicated eating habit. I watch what I eat all the time. I want to make sure I give my body the nutrients it needs. I want to make sure I keep my body fat low. I really am not that worried about my weight anymore. I can tell by the way my clothes fit if I actually have gained weight. (No, your dryer did not shrink them……again!)
Why do all that? First of all, if I am not a good example why even listen to me? When I gain just five pounds my body aches a lot more. When I don’t exercise I get stressed easily, don’t feel good about myself and sleep horribly. Do I hurt while I am exercising? If you mean that burning sensation in my muscles while I am doing weights and burning in my lungs and muscles when I run or do a class, you bet!
Do you want to lose weight quickly and gain weight back quickly, or do you want to lose weight and stay that way and continually improve yourself over time?
Evaluate and re-evaluate yourself constantly. Are you eating too much? Exercising enough? Are your expectations so high that you give up before you even start?
A trainer can get you on the right path and set reachable goals. And believe it or not, within time your body will trust you and be willing to shed that extra weight because you finally made that lifelong commitment to a better health. Will there be ups and downs? That is part of it. As long as you try we are here to pick you back up. I believe that you can do it, now you believe in yourself and make it happen!