Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2009

By Mark Wineka
Salisbury Post
Salisbury City Manager David Treme received a 4 percent raise and a framed editorial cartoon Tuesday.
Salisbury City Council voted 5-0 to raise Treme’s annual salary from $134,352.35 to $139,726.45.
Mayor Susan Kluttz also presented Treme with a 2007 editorial cartoon drawn by Mark Brincefield.
It shows Treme digging through a sofa for quarters, a reference to his saying that even if he had to collect quarters, he would find funds to complete the $750,000 East Fisher Street beautification project.
The city was able to complete the difficult project, despite its going almost $118,000 over budget, and Kluttz cited it as one of the examples of Treme’s dedication to the city.
Treme is in his 23rd year as city manager. His experience, professionalism and strong team building were cited as some of the reasons for his raise.
“People gave me quarters everywhere I went,” Treme said of his experience after the cartoon appeared in the Post.
Council members met in executive session at the close of their regular meeting Tuesday to discuss Treme’s performance in 2007. The raise is retroactive to Dec, 14, when other city employees received merit raises.
Mayor Pro Tem Paul Woodson said the council felt Treme did everything asked of him last year and credited him with excellent budget and personnel decisions.
“As a council, we’re happy with him,” Woodson said.
Contact Mark Wineka at 704-797-4263 or