Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2009
There’s a popular seasonal song that tells us, “We need a little Christmas, right this very minute, candles in the window, carols at the spinet.”
I think that’s true more so today that at any other time. We have a somewhat contentious holiday season this year, a fractious political campaign, a war going on, prices and wages are out of sync, and let’s not forget the high energy costs. Now, more than ever, we need the spirit of Christmas hanging over us.
If you venture back in your catalog of memories, I’ll bet you will find that your best Christmases were the ones that did not have an abundance of material things attached to them.
I can recall some very happy yuletides when my dad was working for practically nothing, our dinner was lean and my brother and I got one gift each. That’s right, one gift.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could take a step back for just a little while and act like the idea of brotherly love really did exist, that helping out a neighbor wasn’t just a pipe dream, and Christmas meant sitting through and enjoying a children’s pageant in church, replete with all the goofy smiles, script flubs, and off-key songs that we once knew.
Walking through these big box stores at holiday time sometimes saddens me. Everyone is in a rush, complaints abound and children are cranky and sleepy. It seems that when times are tough, that’s when we should be the toughest, setting aside differences and enjoying Christmas for what it’s supposed to be: an occasion for worship and adoration.
My grandmother had the right idea, I think. We were a big family, and Christmas eve found us all over at Nana’s place; each of us had one gift from every family. While the presents may not have been grand or numerous, they were heartfelt, and every mother took time to buy that one special gift for everyone.
We had a good, nutritious meal, not necessarily one noted for its cost, but it was tasty and warm, and my grandmother spent a lot of time in the preparation of it.
Not only that, but just being together seemed to count for so much. We loved each other’s company, and it showed. Grandma’s apartment wasn’t all that big either, but on this occasion, it was grand enough, with her tree in the corner, loaded with ornaments and lights, her winter scene set up underneath it. Most of us kids had to sit on the floor, but we seemed to enjoy ourselves anyway.
Maybe I live in a dream world, but I sure would love to have that Christmas experience all over again.
This year, I’m going to make a point of holding all those who are dear to me especially close. This year I’m going to take joy in the season and remember the reason for it.
This year, I’m going to enjoy Christmas, not the trappings, and I hope that you can as well.
Above all, have a merry one!
“For we need a little Christmas, right this very minute, candles in the window, carols at the spinet.”
Truer words were never spoken.