Hands-on educational event for landowners
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The North Carolina Tree Farm Program, in conjunction with North Carolina Cooperative Extension, Division of Forest Resources, Wildlife Resource Management, and Central Land Trust of North Carolina will offer a hands-on educational event for landowners on Saturday, Oct. 25.
People who own woodlands large or small will receive information about ways to manage their woods for enjoyment, profit, conservation and wildlife.
The workshop will begin at the Agricultural Center in Salisbury at 9 a.m. During the morning session, information will be presented on conservation options for a working forest, various forest management programs available to landowners and current timber market conditions.
In the afternoon, a field tour of the Paul Foster Tree Farm will be given. Participants will be able to see an active logging operation, see a forest mulching machine performing silvicultural work and learn about Wildlife Habitat Management.
Pre-registration is required and lunch will be provided.
For more information about the workshop or to register, contact Cooperative Extension via e-mail, Darrell_blackwelder@ncsu.edu or phone at 704-216-8970.