Letters to the editor – Saturday (9-3-11)

Published 12:00 am Friday, September 2, 2011

Central office proposal: Wrong place, wrong time
Our county commissioners will soon be asked to consider funding a new central office for the Rowan County schools. I’ll not argue the issue at this point, but I will offer some problems that should be addressed.
First is the location of the proposed central office, which would be in downtown Salisbury. Downtown, where there is little parking, is difficult for visitors to navigate and is not in a central location in the county. A central office should be located in an easily accessible area and, ideally, close to the center of the county.
Second is the timing of funding a capital improvement in the worst economy in 80 years. Why were the other locations that were offered to the School Board over the last six years not considered when the economy could support the funding?
I hope our commissioners will be very prudent in their decision concerning this funding. We, the taxpayers, are looking to them for the proper response.
— Craig Pierce
Humor is appreciated
“The curse of coolness” by Reg Henry offered a refreshing break from the prevalence of tragic and otherwise discouraging news in Thursday’s Post. The humorous article develops on the theme of air-conditioning, elaborating Henry’s personal experience and opinion on the subject. It then proceeds with some particularly witty social observations and political remarks. Fantastic article!
— Erik Griffen
China Grove