Letters to the editor – Friday (9-16-11)

Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 15, 2011

Legislation will restrict rights
Regarding the impending gay marriage vote:
I am extremely disappointed in the North Carolina House and Senate. The fact of the matter is, it shouldn’t matter if a person is gay or straight, America itself takes pride in the “fact” that all groups are awarded equal rights. The ban on gay marriage would be restricting the rights of one group and claiming that another is superior. And that is what will make the moral foundation of our society fall, not gay marriage.
— Anthony Camacho
Shop locally, not online
Salisbury has some great merchants, but, sadly, the trend today is to buy online. I think it is important to support our local merchants instead of sending money to a corporate giant that couldn’t care less about our city. Online retailers pay no sales tax or property tax. They would not give one dime to help our city in a crisis. Our local merchants are the ones to faithfully pay their taxes and support our city. It’s time we repaid their loyalty by buying locally.
— Danny Key