People and Places
Published 12:00 am Friday, September 30, 2011
Faith Civitan Awards
Recently the Faith Civitan Club held its annual Awards Night. President Wayne Mosher presided.
The following were honored: Lu Fesperman and Brent Lane received the Service Above Self Award; Jordan Hartman received the Outstanding Junior Civitan Award; Taylor McCulloh received the Outstanding Teenager Award; Mary Ida Hess received the Outstanding Senior Citizen Award;
Wayne Mosher received the Outstanding Civitan Award.
Yadkin Reunion
The fifth Yadkin Mill Village Reunion was held Saturday, Sept. 24, at shelter #2 at Dan Nicholas Park, with about 60 guests.
Everyone enjoyed the reunion in spite of the downpours; the old saying is that a little rain water can’t keep the Old River Rats away, since we were all raised on the banks of the Yadkin River.
Merlene Kepley welcomed everyone and Richard Simerson gave the blessing before the meal.
Richard Simerson, Wayne West and Marlene Kepley told stories from times past.
Gifts were given to the oldest female present, Virginia Moore; the oldest male, Hugh Walser, and the person that traveled the farthest, Tonita Barnes Stephenson.
The next reunion will be in September of 2012.
Trexler reunion
The 61st annual reunion for the descendants of Lawson Alexander and Lula Moore Trexler was held Sept. 18 at Rockwell Park with approximately 85 in attendance.
Nelda Freeze presided, and Wayne Trexler gave the blessing.
The names of the couple’s 14 children, all deceased, were read: Lucy Bertie Lillie Trexler Morgan, Deberry (Deedie) Cone Trexler, Harvey Alexander Trexler, Roy Ernest Trexler, Ollie Lula Trexler Rogers, Maxie (Max) Trexler, Braxton Cleveland Trexler, Fred James Trexler, Gertrude (Gertie) Elizabeth Trexler Foster, Maude Wilma Trexler Smith, Lawson Edward Trexler, Cletus Adam Trexler, Grady William Trexler and Minnie Edna Trexler Stiller.
Births during the past year were Caleb Greene, grandson of Luke and Jan Shepherd, born May 25, 2011; Chase Livengood, grandson of Margaret and Don Livengood, born July 14, 2011; Davonee M. Miller, great-granddaughter of Hilda Steele, born Oct. 27, 2010; Shana T. Mogyoros, granddaughter of Norma G. Goodman, born Dec. 29, 2010; Colton T. Kirkman, great-grandson of Norma G. Goodman, born March 12, 2010. Hilda Drye Steele died June 27, 2011.
Hazel Trexler-Campbell was recognized as the oldest family member present; the youngest was Zachary Selvey. The family with the most members present was the Cletus Trexler family. The family traveling the farthest was that of Elaine and Russel Grimes from Kentucky.
The Braxton Trexler family will host next year’s reunion Sept. 16 at Rockwell Park.
RHS class of 1950
The Rockwell High School class of 1950 celebrated its 61st reunion on Friday, Sept. 23 at Ryan’s with a social hour followed by lunch and business.
Pete Connor welcomed the 20 members and 11 guests. Jean McCombs was recognized as special guest and teacher. She was presented a plant from the class by Normal File.
Pete Connor recognized the loss of two classmates during the past year, Betty Miller Fraley and Lillian Fortune Hoover. Reports were given about those unable to attend. Betty Rose Setzer gave a treasure’s report.
Planning committee members were Pete Connor, president; Martha Arey, vice president; Betty Morgan, secretary Betty Rose Setzer, treasurer.
Planning committee for 2012 is Pete Connor and Norma File, co-chairs; Martha Arey, Betty Morgan and Betty Rose Setzer.
Class members and guests from Salisbury were Pete Connor, Norman and Effie File, Jim and Lorene Mahaley, Virginia Alexander, Rozelle Jacobs, Lonzo and Martha Arey, Martha Salerno, Geraldine and Don Holshouser, Peggy Troutman, Betty and Johnny Arey, Frances Hand, Jake and Betty Rose Setzer.
Attending from Rockwell were Harold and Helen Earnhardt, Peggy Daniel, Eula Mae Artz. From Faith came Jean McCombs, Eva Artz Millsaps. From Gold Hill, Ernest Hoffner, Angelo Wagoner, Debbie Holshouser. Concord: Lee and Sue Beaver. From Dallas, NC, and Beth Lyerly.