Superior Court Jan. 5

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Superior administrative court Jan. 5
Disposition of cases heard Jan. 5, 2012, in Rowan Superior Administrative Court by Judge Anna Mills Wagoner:
Abbreviation key:
CAAF – Court-appointed attorney fee
EHA – Electronic house arrest
VD – Dismissal without leave by district attorney
Felony breaking and/or entering – Mary Kate Basinger, also felony larceny after breaking/entering, VD.
Felony trafficking in cocaine – Rito Ibarra Chavez, two charges, also seven charges felony possession with intent o sell/deliver cocaine, five charges felony selling/delivering cocaine and two charges felony maintaining vehicle/dwelling/place to keep controlled substance, 35-42 months, jail credit, pay $50,000 fine, make restitution of $510 to Rowan County Sheriff’s Department, $1,799 to State Bureau of Investigation and $3,600 to Iredell County Sheriff’s Department, civil judgment to be entered for $750 CAAF, if he is deported he is not to return to USA unless he is a legal resident.
Larceny from the person – Tyrone Rufus Davis, also felony possession with intent to manufacture/sell/deliver Schedule II controlled substance and felony possession with intent to manufacture/sell/deliver Schedule VI controlled substance, 7-9 months, suspended, 30 months supervised probation, three days in Rowan County Jail, jail credit, pay court cost and $600 to Iredell County Sheriff’s Department for lab fees, successfully complete course of education at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, not use or possess any illegal controlled substance, submit to warrantless searches and body testing, to obtain substance abuse assessment and abide by recommended treatment if he has any positive drug test, have no contact with James Rogers by third party, electronic means or mail, provide DNA sample, evidence seized to be destroyed, also felony maintaining vehicle/dwelling/place to keep controlled substance and misdemeanor domestic violence protective order violation, 5-6 months at expiration of first sentence, suspended, 30 months probation, serve three days in Rowan County Jail, jail credit, not assault, harass or threaten victim or go on or about her home or work without her permission, abide by protective order and same terms and conditions in first judgment, seized evidence to be returned to rightful owner, also misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia, VD, also felony possession of stolen goods/property, VD.
Driving while license revoked – Juan Francisco Granados, 120 days, suspended, 12 months unsupervised probation, pay court cost and $200 fine, not operate motor vehicle until licensed to do so, also speeding, expired registration card/tag and four more charges driving while license revoked, VD in all six cases; Angela Guyton Pence, 120 days at expiration of any other sentence, suspended, 18 months supervised probation, pay court cost, $250 fine and $750 CAAF, serve 7 days in jail at direction of probation officer, not operate motor vehicle until licensed to do so, not use or possess any illegal controlled substance, submit to body testing, also speeding, VD; Eusebio Arellarez, 120 days, suspended, 10 months supervised probation, pay court cost and $200 fine, not operate motor vehicle until he has valid license, remain gainfully employed, may transfer to unsupervised probation when all money is paid, also failure to secure passenger under age 16, VD.
Felony sex offender use of social website – Barry Todd Lawing, 5-6 months, suspended, 30 months supervised probation, pay court cost and $120 CAAF, not use any type of social networking website as long as he’s registered as a sex offender, 30 days EHA and not be away from his residence unless he has written permission from probation officer, submit to body testing and warrantless searches for controlled substances, stolen goods and child pornography, to obtain substance abuse assessment if he has any positive drug test, live in residence approved by probation officer and not move without permission, provide DNA sample.
Felony indecent liberties with child – Justin Scott Pilkington, three charges, 13-16 months, suspended, 30 months supervised probation, pay court cost and $100 fine, serve 21 days in jail, jail credit, have no contact with victim by third person, telephone or computer, submit to warrantless searches and body testing, not use or possess any illegal controlled substance, to obtain substance abuse assessment if he has any positive drug test and abide by recommended treatment, abide by sex offender control program, pay $750 CAAF, provide DNA sample, register as sex offender for 30 years, can live in home with sister, can travel out-of-state with his job if he provides advance notice of work schedule and information on where he will be staying and working to probation officer, complete sex offender treatment.
Felony malicious conduct by prisoner – Anthony Allan Stamper, 23-37 months, jail credit, civil judgment to be entered for $240 CAAF.