19 pot plants found at Mooresville home

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 1, 2012

MOORESVILLE — Deputies arrested a 49-year-old man after authorities said they found 19 marijuana plants at his home on Meadow Lane Tuesday night.
John Kallos was charged with felony possession with intent to manufacture marijuana, misdemeanor possession of marijuana and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia.
He was released after posting a $3,000 bond.
Deputy Jody Shoaf “received information” that a man named John at the Meadow Lane home had been growing marijuana plants in pots behind a shed on the property, according to a Rowan County Sheriff’s Office report.
Shoaf and Sgt. C.D. Williams went to the house Tuesday night.
Kallos gave consent for them to search, the report said, but later informed officers as they approached the shed that they would find the plants.
The report said the plants weighed about 5 pounds. Deputies also said they found a metal smoking pipe and marijuana leaves inside the home that were laid out to dry.
Nine long guns and a pistol were seized from the home.