Letters to the editor – Saturday

Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 2, 2012

‘Small government’ is good — until the hurricane hits
I’ve heard the words, “small government,” “tough choices” and “truth telling” a lot lately. Let’s take a look at those three phrases.
The next time Louisiana Gov. Bobby “small government” Jindal calls Washington for help because of a hurricane, the “small government,” “tough choice” answer would be “NO.” In fact, one “small government” action would be to eliminate FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). That would prevent “big government” interference. I would assume that New Jersey Gov. Christopher “small government” Christie would not even think of dialing up Washington for help.
If Mitt Romney is elected, he promises to make good use of his business knowledge. For example, considering the number of airline flights on a given day and the probability of there being a terrorist bomb on a given flight, and using a typical business cost-benefit analysis, I suspect he would conclude that the TSA (Travel Security Agency) and maybe even the Department of Homeland Security are not wise investments of taxpayer money and should be eliminated. We might lose an airplane once in a while, but “tough choices” have to be made.
Locally, Salisbury could reduce the size of government by eliminating the job of monitoring parking, something that has been in the news recently. Monitoring parking is just more “big government” interference in our lives anyway.
There have been complaints that too many regulations have been hurting business. If regulations concerning handicapped access and handicapped facilities were eliminated, a business could use cost-benefit analysis to determine if providing them would be beneficial or not. Sorry, but “tough choices” sometimes have to be made.
Apparently, when it comes to “truth telling,” the ideas of “small government” and “tough choices” are popular … as long as they affect somebody else … and not me.
— Roger Hull
China Grove
Tired of the whining
I wish I could learn to love ignorance, since there is so much of it around. Warren Buffett is a fake. I believe a little research will show that the IRS is after him now for about $100 million (related to one of his Berkshire Hathaway holdings). I also get tired of the whiners who complain about the situation Obama inherited. If you think he was saddled with a mess, think about what the next president will get who has to follow him.
— Delmar McDaniel
A big thank you
I just want to thank Principal Terrence Snider and the staff at Knox for making the first week of my daughter’s middle experience so wonderful. She has come home every day with a huge smile and all good stories to tell. She absolutely loves all her teachers and is really impressed that Mr. Snider is visiting all the classrooms on a daily basis. I know it is only the first week of school, but I feel in my heart that this is gonna be a great year. So to the rest of the parents and students, keep giving the teachers, staff and other students the respect they deserve and in return it will be given back. Let’s keep this year going strong. Thank you to all the staff from the bottom of my heart for making my daughter feel so welcomed!
— Tammy Whitlatch