Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 17, 2013

We’re told that we should all be supporting Obamacare; that it’ll have a wonderful, almost fairy-tale happy ending. Unfortunately, this is coming from people who believe everything the mainstream media tells them.
But if you follow non-mainstream sources, such as the Atlantic Wire, you know that there are journalists who once worked for ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times and Washington Post who now work in Obama’s administration. The presidents of ABC and CBS even have siblings there. It’s like one big happy liberal family.
Obamacare is designed to fail, and here’s why I say that. Obamacare was supposed to be fully in effect starting next month. But Democrats in Congress were afraid that as result of this, they’d be defeated in November 2014 (the mid-term elections). Why? Well, for starters, companies are already hiring fewer full-time employees and relying more on part-timers, simply to avoid the employer mandate. This will get much worse once the law takes effect.
But Democrats can relax; Obama’s changed the law. He canceled the employer mandate until after the election.
There’s more. Under Obamacare regulations, insurance companies will have to charge outrageous premiums, or else face bankruptcy. So they’ve asked Obama to waive (remove) the mandated “cap” on your out-of-pocket expenses, which was one of the key features that make Obamacare affordable.
Again, Democrats facing re-election can relax. Premiums will remain stable; Obama waived the requirement until after the election.
What about the $700 billion cut to Medicare? Seniors haven’t felt it yet, because Obama put this off, too (temporarily).
Obamacare’s very foundation depends on getting young people enrolled, remember? But will young people pay $300 a month in premiums when they can simply pay $95 a year in penalties? Of course not; knowing they can’t be turned down for pre-existing conditions, they’d be foolish to buy insurance until they absolutely need it.
Obamacare should be defunded, not supported.
— Steve Pender
