Letters to the editor — Saturday (2-22-2014)

Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 22, 2014

There are still angels in disguise!
As I was checking out at the Aldi’s on Avalon Drive on Thursday, this nice gentleman in front of me stood there after he had paid for his groceries. When the cashier rang up my groceries and I started to pay her, she said, “This gentleman has paid for your groceries.”
I was overtaken by awe, and I thanked him very much. The gentleman in line behind me had several items, and I said, “I’ll just pay for your groceries.”
He said, “How did you know I was broke?”
I told him one good turn deserves another!
I’m almost 80 years old, and it warms my heart to know there are still wonderful, caring Christian people in this world.
May God bless you and your family.
— Jo Teague
In 2012 during a tea party meeting at the Blue Bay Restaurant, Craig Pierce, Mike Caskey, Gus Andrews and Gene Miller who were all running for election as county commissioners, were asked if they would take a “no tax increase” pledge.
Miller stated that it would be irresponsible for anyone to take the pledge because it was impossible to know what the future might hold. Miller said we might need to raise taxes for public safety or health reasons. He would not take that pledge. Gus Andrews also said he would not take the pledge. Pierce and Caskey agreed to take that pledge. When asked the question two years earlier, at a tea party meeting in 2010, Jim Sides reminded everyone that he had never voted to raise taxes and would not do so in the future.
Recently, we have heard the “trio” say that a tax increase may very well be in the near future, but how can that be possible? Sides, Pierce and Caskey have taken a “no tax increase” pledge and they make up three of the five commissioners. Remember, it takes three votes to pass anything.
So rest easy, taxpayers of Rowan County. Unless Pierce, Caskey and Sides are going back on their word, we cannot have a tax increase.
Were these gentlemen unaware of the needs of our schools when they made the “no tax increase” pledge? What were they thinking when they bought the mall/West End Plaza that was badly in need of repair?
We need commissioners who are concerned with the quality of life in Rowan County. We don’t need commissioners who will say anything to get our vote.
— Larry C. Bowyer