With prom, as in eternity, it is important to be dressed and ready

Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 10, 2014

I went to the prom last Saturday night. Some people asked me before I went if I was excited about going to the prom. This was my 29th prom, so no, not really. It is their night and I am excited for them. I also enjoy seeing my students all dressed up and looking like young adults. They usually act grown up and stay out of trouble.
It was a little warm when I arrived so many of the guys had taken off their coats. By the end of the evening, it was so warm that some of the boys had taken off their shirts and were just wearing their vests. Some of the guys had top hats and canes, which I liked. A few of the boys were wearing baseball caps which didn’t really fit at prom, but those boys wear them to school every day.
The only way to describe the girls’ gowns is breathtaking. The gowns come in an amazing assortment of colors and styles, transforming the girls into young women. They look so grown up in their beautiful gowns and with amazing hairstyles. I am sure these gowns cost more than I could afford, but I am also sure they bring tears to many of their parents’ eyes. The money spent for prom on nails, hair, tans, dresses and tuxes is unbelievable.
The thing I most enjoy doing at the prom is taking pictures of my students and then making a slide show for the students on Monday morning. They enjoy seeing themselves and we have fun watching together.
Going to prom reminds me that we need to be dressed and ready ourselves, not for prom, but for eternity. The Bible says that we need to be washed in the blood of Christ so we can be cleansed and ready for our eternal home.
I read a touching story over the weekend about a little 9-year-old boy who told his mom that he was ready to go to heaven. I imagine she told him that he had plenty of living to do before that great and glorious day. Sadly, this was not to be. That very afternoon their home was hit by a powerful tornado which stole the boy’s life.
I want you to be careful to understand that I do not believe that God came and took this young boy’s life. I believe the storm stole his young life from this earth, but God in His love and mercy received the young boy into heaven. The young boy had a powerful faith. He had in fact led a friend to Christ the week before he departed for heaven.
The question that arises from this situation is: are you ready to go to your eternal home in heaven if something tragic brought your life to an end?
Each one of us has to ask ourselves if we have asked Christ into our lives and allowed Him to be both Lord and Savior. Our eternal destination is not determined by God but rather by each one of us as we choose to accept the free gift of salvation or turn that gift down and accept the consequences.
The best part is the gift of salvation comes with peace, joy, forgiveness, hope, grace, mercy and the perfect love of God. Those are just a few of the benefits we get to enjoy here on earth by accepting God’s invitation to heaven. The party in heaven will be greater than anything we can imagine here on earth. Somehow this nine-year-old boy got this concept and he was ready to go when that tornado took his life.
No one can make the decision for you because you have to decide whether you will accept God’s invitation to join Him in heaven. It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, the invitation is still available as long as you decide before your time is up. It doesn’t matter what you have done with your life, no sin or failure is too great for the forgiveness and love of God.
I want to encourage you to make the most important decision of your life. Decide today to accept God’s free gift of salvation; his invitation to join Him in heaven when your life comes to an end here on earth. We will all stand before Him someday and we will have to answer for our decision. This boy’s parents have obviously suffered a great loss but they have found peace knowing they will be re-united with their little boy in heaven one day.

Doug Creamer teaches Marketing at East Davidson High School. His website is located at www.dougcreamer.com Contact him at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041 or email doug@dougcreamer.com