Letters to the editor — Tuesday (1-6-15)
Published 9:56 pm Monday, January 5, 2015
This Christian has a few questions for non-believers
I have questions, as previous letters from nonbelievers, non-Christians or atheists have left me dumbfounded! So, help me here , please.
When you hear and see Christmas carols being sung, do you notice how pleased, even joyful, they are? Do you also not feel something ?
What in the world do you do when a loved one dies? Where do you turn? Do you not want to believe that someday you will see them again? Are you envious of believers as they have that hope ?
Do you question what it is that drives folks, usually believers, to give of their means and self to build church buildings, hospitals, homes for the aging, orphanages, go into foreign lands to help fight dreaded diseases? Risk their lives helping others in the name of Christ. Where does that enthusiasm come from ?
Do you not feel love? A love that aches when you see another struggling, and a desire to help. Or a shared joy in other situations. Where does that love come from? Let me help with that answer: (hint) hate is of the devil. So love is …
Why did those apostles ,while dying such painful deaths, stick to their story ?Just has to make you wonder, doesn’t it ?
To borrow a quote from Plato that was in the Post on Nov. 6, “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”
With that, let me suggest: Get yourself a red letter edition Bible. Just skip over those “fairy tales” you referred to and start in Matthew reading only the words of Jesus (printed in red), and on through the New Testament. What a way to start the New Year! I strongly believe this will only begin your reading of God’s holy word.
— Donna Kesler
Good service at VA
I wish to echo Lenny Wolfe’s Jan. 1 letter, “VA pharmacy a big help.” I, too, have had much satisfaction with the care I’ve received for the past 5 years. The providers are cheerful, caring and efficient.
— Dick Richards
Recognizing young talent
Congratulations to Carver Walser whose carpet design was recognized as outstanding by Milliken and Company. His blue, white and black design was featured in the Salisbury Post on Dec. 29.
The future looks bright for this very talented young man!
— Kathryn Dunn