Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 19, 2015

Important little things

This past week, playing at some “kitchen table” games with regular sanctioned game players, two issues occurred that I believed most players understood.

First were the possible actions to an insufficient bid. Everyone knew the insufficiency could be called by anyone but that the next bidder would decide the remedy.

All knew about making the bid sufficient, but most didn’t know that the insufficient bid could be accepted by the next bidder, allowing him to enter the auction at a lower level.

Accept the bid if it is in your favor or insist that the bid be made sufficient if this makes things harder for opponents.

The second problem concerned “Dummy’s” responsibilities during play of the hand. Dummy may 1. Remind partner where his lead should come from; 2. Ask, if partner fails to follow suit, if partner really has none of that suit; and 3. (the unknown), he can inform partner immediately at the time a trick is played and partner places card in the wrong direction, whether the trick was made or lost. At no time during play of the hand can Dummy inform partner how many tricks have been won or lost. This information could influence partner’s play of remaining cards and disadvantage the opponents.

Rules are designed to keep the game fair, allowing all participants to have the same information and the same advantage. Use those rules and choices wisely.

Winners at our Friday April 10 game were: N/S First, Fern Albracht and Christy Cline; second, Patty King and Loyd Hill; third, Rachael Herman and Lib Marion and E/W First, Pat Macon and Patsy Reynolds; second, Carol Bachl and Judy Gealy; third, Chuck and Margaret Rimer.

Featured board# 8 from Friday April 10: No one vulnerable, West dealer


S  K Q 5 3

H  A Q 2

D  T 8 4

C  J 9 2


WEST:        EAST:

S  A J 6       S  T 8 7 2

H  K 9         H  6 4 3

D  A Q 9 3   D  K 5

C  A T 6 5    C  K 8 7 3



S  9 4

H  J T 8 7 5

D  J 7 6 2

C  Q 4

Best  N/S score made by Maggie Canup and Wayne Pegram defeating opponent’s 3NE 3 tricks while best E/W score was 1NW making 4 by John and Myrnie McLaughlin.

Note: direction of declarer makes the difference in lead and success of the hand.

Women’s Club winners: First, Chuck and Margaret Rimer; second, Fern Albracht and BettyBonner Steele; third, Marie Pugh and Loyd Hill.


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