Letters to the editor — Saturday (5-2-15)
Published 12:04 am Saturday, May 2, 2015
Good to see appreciation for military service
Yesterday my wife and I stopped by Gary’s BBQ. I was wearing my Vietman cap. When we walked in the door, a lady and man said, “Thank you for your service.” I thanked them and mentioned that my wife was in the British Army also.
When we finished, I asked for my ticket to pay my bill. The lady said that the couple that was sitting in the booth behind us had paid the bill. I didn’t know these folks, but it is good to know that people still appreciate all service men and women.
— John Troutman
China Grove
Thanks for the article, and to those who serve
The Faith Baptist Church missions committee would like to thank the Salisbury Post and Mark Wineka for the great story that you published for our cookout to thank our firefighters and policemen in our area for their dedication to serve and protect us.
The weather was not great, but we had a great time with each one that attended, and I will have to say that they are all a great bunch of guys.
Thanks for the story Mark, and thank you to all that serve us in this county.
— Pat Doby