Letters to the editor – Tuesday (6-30-15)

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 30, 2015

We who are privileged must consider others

​We should all support the freedom to speak about their heritage. I am a white Southerner, born and raised in the good old South. I too was told it was proper to be a redneck.

As I grew older, became more educated, met different people, I found myself very ashamed of my beliefs.  I began to recognize that I was privileged.  My liberal arts education freed me to see the whole world, not just part of it.

Therefore, I too stand with my brothers and sisters of color, to ask that we who are privileged must recognize we have in direct and indirect ways oppressed those around us.

The monument on Innes and the Confederate flag belong in a museum, not facing us daily on the streets, on license plates and on state or federal property.

— Kim Porter


Look the other way

Furl the Confederate flag. Unfurl the Rainbow flag. Is this a great country or what? What if one flag offends me? What if both flags offend me?

We have what you call “freedom of speech” in this great country. Men have died to give us this freedom. If you don’t like a flag look the other way.  Or better still, get a life.

— Jimmie Weaver
