Moore runs for another term on Rockwell Board
Published 12:10 am Tuesday, July 21, 2015
ROCKWELL — With economic development and low taxes as a priority, Alderman Bobby Moore is running for re-election to the town board.
Moore, 73, is a retired Duke Energy heavy equipment operator and filed last week for re-election to Rockwell’s town board. He listed adding industry to the town as one of his priorities.
“I would like to see industries come to Rockwell and create jobs and help build a larger tax base so the tax rate would go down on the people living in the town limits,” he said.
Moore and his wife Diane live in Rockwell, and have a son named Eric who previously served two terms on the Rockwell Town Board.
Moore is running for his second term. He won a seat in 2013 as a write-in candidate.
He attended high school at China Grove High School, which was later converted to a middle school. He has received several certifications from Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, which was Rowan Tech at the time. His certifications include art and photography and firefighting. He also received a firefighting certification from Gaston Tech. The firefighting certifications were required as a part of his job with Duke Energy.
Moore completed psychology training as part of the Dale Carnegie training course. He also was trained in life underwriting with an insurance company.