Christmas Happiness: Gift remembers son who loved Christmas
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Peggy Bollinger’s son, David McNulty, died in Oct. 2012 from esophageal cancer. He was 51 years old.
“He loved christmas,” Peggy said.
She said David won a decoration contest for his Charleston neighborhood one year. Last year, Peggy and her husband, Bert, donated to Christmas Happiness in memory of David, and they decided to do it again.
“This is just one little thing that we do to remember him,” she said.
The Bollingers also donated in honor of their six grandchildren and their eight great-grandsons. Peggy said that they all decided as a family to donate to charity this Christmas season.
“We have been blessed,” she said, “We have more than we need, so we wanted to do donations.”
For the Bollingers, Christmas Happiness was one of the many charities chosen by their family.
“We feel like this is such a worthy cause,” Peggy said.
The Salvation Army of Rowan County distributes Christmas Happiness funds. Qualifying families may receive a $35 voucher for each eligible child. The vouchers can only be used for children’s items.
Contributions to Christmas Happiness will be collected through Christmas Day.
Donations may be delivered to the Salisbury Post, 131 W. Innes St., between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. Or you can mail your gift, using this address: Salisbury Post Christmas Happiness Fund, P.O. Box 4639, Salisbury, N.C. 28145-4639. Please make checks payable to Christmas Happiness Fund and indicate how you want your donation listed.
Donations made Tuesday:
In loving memory of Lewis J. Alsobrooks by Margaret Alsobrooks … $25.00