KCS Transportation now on Twitter

Published 12:00 am Friday, December 4, 2015

Now families can receive instant updates about Kannapolis City Schools’  buses on Twitter.

The Kannapolis City Schools’ Transportation Department is launching a Twitter page to give bus riders and their families instant information about the district’s school bus transportation.

The page (@kcstransport) can be found at https://twitter.com/kcstransport.

The department will tweet updates when buses are running late or if there are any other issues that bus riders need to know about, such as changes in buses because of mechanical problems.

Followers of the new page can also receive real-time alerts. Under the page’s “More user actions” icon, choose the option “Turn on mobile notifications.” That will send immediate alerts to a smart phone or mobile device about changes in the KCS bus schedule.

Kannapolis City Schools also has a Twitter account for general news and information about the district: @KCS_NC. Parents and community members can also follow KCS on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/KCS.Schools/) and Instagram (kannapolis_city_schools).