Ann Farabee: Caught up in the ado?

Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 9, 2016

Caution: The reading of this column may increase your vocabulary.

The word ‘ado’ is mostly recognized from Shakespeare’s comedic play written in the late 1500’s, ‘Much Ado About Nothing.’ But, I like the use of ‘ado’ in Mark 5:39, when Jesus said, “Why make ye this ado, and weep? The damsel is not dead, but sleepeth.”

Here’s the story from Mark 5:21-43:

Jairus, the ruler of the synagogue, saw Jesus with a crowd of people around Him. He fell at His feet, and begged Him to come to his house and heal his sick daughter, who was at the point of death.

While they were walking toward his house, a woman in the crowd reached out to touch Jesus, so that she would be healed. While Jesus was still speaking to her, some people from Jairus’ house came to inform them that it was too late. The child was dead.

Jesus looked directly toward Jairus and responded: Be not afraid. Only believe.

Wonder how Jairus must have felt at that point? He had desperately been wanting Jesus to get to his daughter before it was too late. It now looked hopeless. Surely, the words of Jesus must have kept racing through his mind: Be not afraid. Only believe.

After arriving at the house, there only seemed to be tumult, turmoil, bustle, fuss, uproar, unrest – which are all synonyms for the word ‘ado.’ And…. there was also weeping and wailing.

Doubt may have begun to cloud the mind of Jairus as he saw and heard the commotion at his house and saw his 12 year old daughter lying there – dead. But, he undoubtedly was still clinging to those words spoken by Jesus, giving him strength: Be not afraid. Only believe.

Then, Jesus said to those in the house, “Why make ye this ado?”

He put everyone outside – except for the girl, her parents, and those that were with Him. Jesus reached out, took the child by the hand, and told her to arise.

She got up. She walked.

They. Were. Astonished.

Yes, Jairus could have joined in the ‘ado.’ He could have cried out, “Jesus was too late! Why did He spend so long talking to the woman that was healed? The crowd slowed us down while we were walking! Now, my daughter is dead!”

But… instead, his confidence increased each step he walked with Jesus, and he chose faith – not fear. Instead of getting caught up in the ‘ado,’ He chose to trust in the One who ‘could do.’

All it took for Jesus to change the circumstance was a few words, “I say unto thee, arise.” Worth waiting on. Worth walking the distance with Jesus for. And, it wasn’t too late!

Caught up in the ado? Trapped in the turmoil and tumult? Uneasy in the uproar and unrest? The bustle, fuss, and commotion overwhelms? When caught up in the ado, our faith may be weak and our fears may overwhelm. But, remember – and repeat- the words of Jesus: Be not afraid. Only believe. Be not afraid. Only believe.

Then one day – the answer comes. And…. we look back, smile, and realize that Jesus had it under control all along.

He may even tenderly and lovingly nudge our hearts with these words, “Why made ye the ado?”


Ann Farabee, writer, teacher, and speaker, has taught in Kannapolis City Schools and Mooresville Schools. Contact her at



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