Letters to the editor — Thursday (8-11-16)
Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 11, 2016
Media bias against Trump and for liberals is obvious
Is it just me, or does anyone else residing outside the Gates of Oz get a little miffed at the news media relentlessly nuking the Republican Party while giving the Democrats carte blanche to dance with the devil? It’s at all levels from N.Y. and D.C. all the way down to Salisbury.
Last week Newsbusters released a report stating that during its New Day report on Aug. 3, CNN covered Trump negatively for 84 minutes, while Obama’s Iran payment received just 27 seconds.
Lifelong Democrat Pat Caddell — a pollster on Jimmy Carter’s campaign — said that he has not seen such a united media attack against one party since Goldwater in 1964.
For years I wondered about the liberal brainwashing coming across the tube. I watch a lot of TV, and in January of 2012 — Obama’s re-election year — I started noticing a lot of changes in programming and commercials. Notables like commercials being re-cut to insert more minorities. Slowly, it kept increasing — by design, no doubt — until, by about 2014, when things like gay couples and mixed marriages were gingerly inserted.
My 2-year-old grandson watches the kids’ shows when he’s here, and you can’t believe the brainwashing political correctness being shoved down the throats of children. He’s blessed that he will be guided through such equine excrement.
Personally, I couldn’t possibly care less who is in TV programming and commercials. I do mind our liberal government, in cahoots with the media, forcing it down the throats of the American people.
Trump and McCrory will not get a fair shake.
— Randy Biggerstaff
Fix Fibrant’s future
We need to have a clear understanding of the difference between the private sector and the public sector.
The private sector job is driven by one basic principle, profit, but there is also the need, a reason, to open a business in the private sector; it must be something the people need, a product, or a service that people are willing to buy. A profit is necessary in order to pay your employees, the operating expenses, taxes and of course the owner expects to make a living in his endeavor.
The public sector job is driven by none of the above. It is basically wrong for governments, unless you are socialists, to compete against the private sector, especially when a particular service is already available to the people and businesses.
I fail to see where the need existed in Salisbury for Fibrant broadband network since so many in the private sector that offer this service. If Fibrant were a private sector business, it would have been out of business long ago. Being a public sector operation, it has the good old taxpayer to keep it in business.
If I’m not mistaken, the water department loaned Fibrant money. I also remember the city initially borrowed $33 million to get this business started. This could only happen in the public sector.
A good move would be finding a buyer, if you can. If Fibrant had to charge its customers to cover the operating cost and service the debt, I’m afraid they would not be competitive. Free markets work if only governments would just govern and leave business to the private sector.
— Richard Roberts
It means the world to us
My family and I would like to personally thank everyone for all the support and kind words we have received recently and since this adventure began six years ago.
I would like to thank Elizabeth Cook of the Salisbury Post for a great article on the Carolina Music Awards and also touching on a subject that means the world to me, the Special Olympics show. It is one of the best shows that I have the privilege to help put together, along with Nancy Collins, which without her help would not have been possible.
I would also like to send a huge and gracious thank you to all my band members who have been with me every step of the way, I love you guys.
— Darrell Harwood
China Grove