My Turn, Carol Cauble: Evil will destroy America
Published 12:00 am Saturday, September 3, 2016
Big government tends to appeal to all citizens who are less informed and don’t keep up with important news or read God’s word, the Bible, and other books like “Rediscovering God in America.”
We have been challenged for eight years with continued wartime through weakened foreign policies that apologize and send millions to our known enemies, while our Americans are sacrificing their lives, families and a future they will not have.
Have we as American citizens acknowledged that we are indeed at war? As Americans lose lives, our corrupt government denies this war.
As a World War II citizen, I do have good memory of living in poverty — parents without jobs, along with all other Americans. Blessings we did have, because we had our trust in God with great faith to carry us through these times.
We must be fearful in order to recognize reality and death actions taking place at war every day. We have been at war too long not to have foreign policy answers from our big government, which benefits from all our tax dollars every day. There are too many distractions from our White House concerning the urgent, great issues not resolved.
We had TV pictures of Christians and others being beheaded while the president chose to play golf rather than address the heartbreaking news. This is not acceptable.
These events should have moved all hearts, minds and souls to not forget that we can have this same “politically correct” president if we vote for Hillary Clinton just because she wants to make history for being the first woman president. Is Hillary worthy of risking our own lives and country with her failed secretary of state crimes and policies?
This administration, through its failed policies, has destroyed the middle class. Do they want to reduce us to poverty, like so many others? They try to fool the uninformed with how they are going to give freebies like “free college,” so the middle class can pay to keep them popular, adding to the powers of big government and more dependency on government.
Hillary should know by now, at her age, that there is not anything free in this world except Christ’s salvation. Jesus paid the debt of our sins. With her tax increases, consider bankruptcy.
Here’s a story to share:
A Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
“My son, the battle is between ‘two wolves’ inside us all. One is evil; it is anger, envy, jealousy, self-pity, resentment, lies, inferiority, false pride, superiority and ego.
“The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, truth, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, compassion and faith.”
The boy considered this, then asked, “Which wolf wins?”
The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”
We together must stand against evil, praying that American citizens will continue to have hope, heart, mind and souls for faith in God we trust.
It is possible that our American citizens can be proof to the world that when we have God in our lives, we can overcome — survive — being powerless and godless under this government.
Carol Cauble lives in Rowan County.
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