Letters to the editor – Wednesday – 1-17-17

Published 12:01 am Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Hardin on right track with Boys and Girls Club idea

Mr. Hardin should be commended for taking the initiative to bring a Boys and Girls Club to Salisbuty to help serve our at-risk youth.

Having served as a principal for many years in Cabarrus County, I have witnessed first hand the variety of specialty programs that children participate in during the afterschool program at the boys and Girls Club site. The acitivity rooms at the site include a learning center, a technology center, a games room, a life skills room, a perfoming arts room, an arts and crats room, two or three gyms for physical acitivity and much more. Buses pick students up from school and transport them to the club. Many of these students would be going home to empty houses or ust be hanging around trying to find something to do until their parents get home from work.

Having a Boys and Girls Club would be a positive step in prevention of crime and development of our youth into future contributing citizens of Rowan County.

I encourage county and city leaders as well as businesses to get behind Mr. Hardin and help make his vision of a Boys and Gris Club become a reality.

— Lynn Marsh


Another illegal action by Obama

David Treece was correct in his recent letter about the illegal Obama dictate — the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule (AFFH). There is no doubt that there will be permanent damage to the republic from the actions of the socialist President Barack Obama and the complacent Congress that failed us in not stopping his actions. One such abomination is the AFFH.

If you have never heard of this, you really need to know what it will mean to you and your property. This unconstitutional dictate allows the federal government to require all counties and cities that receive Housing and Urban Development money to submit and audit all neighborhoods to see if there is enough diversity of income and racial ethnicities within them. They must also submit plans to the federal governmnent on how they will correct the non-conforming neighborhoods. The unbelievable consequences of this are too lengthy and terrible for a short letter to the editor.

Though wrought onto us by Obama, our Republican senators Richard Burr and Thom Tillis recently switched sides and voted with the Democrats to stop Republican Senator Mike Lee’s attempt to not fund the AFFH.

So don’t look for relief from the Republican senators. Only by executive order from the incoming President might this Federal regulation be destroyed. Or, if you put enough pressure on your congressman to start reversing this and many more disastrous policies that Obama has saddled us with, we may regain our freedom and prosperity.

— Steve Poteat
