Cierra Lannon: Working on ideas together, not apart
Published 9:38 pm Wednesday, February 22, 2017
By Cierra Lannon
Special to the Salisbury Post
In this current political state, uneasiness and doubt remain prevalent, even with the most educated. People all over the country, even all over the Earth, are seeking ideas to improve the nation and quite literally save the world.
As a 17-year-old about to attend college, I see opportunities ahead that create an excitement nothing else can inspire within me. But after all of this preparation, adaptation and anticipation, what if nobody listens to my ideas?
Intolerant people often shut out ideas coming from people they think do not hold a worthy opinion. Too often, these types of people include the young. Youth activism has increased tenfold over the past few decades through social media and protests across the country.
I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard, “She’s a kid, what does she know?” from family and respected adults in my life. My dad and I have constant conversations about how to go about living in this America, and he stresses the importance of my taking charge and accomplishing what is needed to erase the sense of defeat that Americans are experiencing.
Older generations argue that young people are not experienced, do not fully understand the implications of what they do and are simply underdeveloped. The frontal lobe of the brain isn’t fully developed until around age 25, which I believe is when older generations stop questioning young peoples’ rationality.
Older generations should take into account that younger generations are more connected through social media and common experiences. In-depth discussions between younger adults are more accessible than prior generations.
Before discussing this nation’s turmoil with others and automatically overlooking younger generations, consider that our generation will be the most intensely impacted.
I believe my generation fully comprehends the extent to which we need to act, hence the protests and abundant expressions on Twitter, Facebook and the like.
I suppose I’m asking readers to not only keep an open mind about younger generation’s opinions but also to encourage them and act upon their suggestions. With the help of all generations motivating and understanding each other, our society has a much greater chance of succeeding in anything we need to accomplish.
Cierra Lannon is a student at East Rowan High School and served an internship at the Salisbury Post.