Letter: Health no-care?

Published 12:00 am Friday, May 12, 2017

Rep. Richard Hudson, you don’t have any idea of what it’s like to have medical conditions that are common and deemed pre-existing.

Do any of your relatives have type 1 or type 2 diabetes? Does anyone in your circle of friends and family have asthma? Deal with depression? Have a child with a birth defect? Autism? Heart murmur? High blood pressure?

Are any of them over the age of 40? Fifty? Have a gimpy knee? Hip? Back issues? Rotor cuff tears?

Get the idea? Ask your mother what she’s paying now, if she had any health issues and then go figure it out. Oh sure, you wouldn’t let her struggle to pay for meds, specialists, home nursing care of a temporary kind. But what if you get hit by a train and you and your money aren’t there to bail her out?. Think about it — a lot.

And trust me, I and many people I work with, go to church with and am friends with have been watching in horror as you signed away our health insurance security.

We vote, and it won’t be for you!

— Connie Byrne
