Local Bridge with Myrnie McLughlin
Published 12:00 am Sunday, August 27, 2017
Lesson season
Several of our members are giving bridge lessons on many topics. Tuesday, Aug. 29 at 11:30 a.m. at the Women’s Club, Ron Jeffers will be instructing on filling out the convention card that each player should have at the table at each game, a “must have” at tournaments.
Beginning Thursday, Sept. 14 from 10-11:30 a.m. Dick Brisbin will be teaching a 9-week group of lessons on defensive skills at Rufty-Holmes Sr. Center. The Winecoffs will be resuming their course on Friday, Sept. 15 from 10 a.m.-noon, also at Rufty-Holmes Sr. Center.
This week the topic is Responses to Partner’s Strong 2C Opening Bid. This source is the August ACBL Bulletin. Only if you have >8pts, a 5 card suit with 2 of the top 3 honors, bid your suit. Otherwise, always respond 2D the typical waiting response to see what unfolds. If partner bids a Spade or Heart and you have 0-3 pts bid the second negative of 3C. Now partner knows you have nothing and he needs to set the contract. But if, you have 0-3 pts and 3 card support in his suit, just pass knowing you have 8 trump between you. But if with 3 card support and 4-7 pts you can bid game in partner’s suit.
We had a lively August 18 Evergreen game. Winners were: N/S 1st Shirley and Ron Jeffers, 2nd Judy Hurder and Toni Iossi, 3rd Betty Bills and Beth Shafer; E/W 1st Pat Featherston and Dick Brisbin, 2nd John and Myrnie McLaughlin, 3rd BettyBonner Steele and Rosemary Sokolowski.
Featured is board #5 from this game N/S vulnerable North dealer
S A Q 9 7 6
H J 7
D J 7
C Q J T 2
S 3 S K 8 4 2
H A K T 9 6 5 H Q 3 2
D 5 4 3 2 D K T 9 6
C A 8 C K 9
S J T 5
H 8 4
D A Q 8
C 7 6 5 4 3
Toni Iossi and Judy Hurder bid 2SN making for the best N/S score, while the best E/W score was 4HW making by Genny Mozolak and Joe O’Brien.
At the Aug. 22 Women’s Club game we had 8 tables. Winners were: N/S A Strat 1st Ron and Shirley Jeffers, 2nd Becky Creekmore and Marie Pugh, 3rd Dick Brisbin and Dave Goff B Strat 1st Betty Bills and Beth Shafer: E/W 1st Margaret and Chuck Rimer, 2nd Judy Gealy and Fern Albracht, 3rd Don Webster and Roy Barrow, B Strat 2nd Lawana Ford and Patsy Reynolds.