Letter: Guns don’t belong in classrooms

Published 3:16 pm Sunday, March 4, 2018

I think we should be more careful about people we elect or appoint to governmental offices/positions.

I read in the Salisbury Post on Feb. 17 about N.C. Rep. Larry Pittman wanting to arm teachers. How absurd. Really, who stupid to even think of such. Teachers are trained to educate and to prepare people for future careers, and not to carry guns in the classroom. That’s the job of law enforcement, to protect and to maintain safety.

There are numerous reasons a teacher should not be armed in the classroom. Just a few:

1. Suppose a student has a gun pointed at the teacher. Should the teacher shoot the student, only to find out later it was a toy gun?

2. Suppose two angry students overpower the teacher, take the gun and shoot.

3. What if the teacher shoots and misses, killing innocent students because of a deranged person?

4. Does the teacher keep the gun in the desk drawer or a locked closet, or does the teacher take it home at the end of the day?

Taking on the role of security guard is absolutely ridiculous and certainly not a well-thought solution to the problem.

A teacher’s main focus is to teach and not to be armed to prevent violent crimes.

Would you want your child’s teacher carrying a gun, along with books, tapes and other learning devices to school each day?

To some, the sight of a gun is devastating and can certainly be a deterrent to learning. Many teachers will seek other employment if they are required to have a gun in the classroom.

Having taught for more than 35 years, I would leave the school system for a safer environment.

Please, rethink your position, Teachers should be free to teach.

— Blanche B. Sherrill

Ewing, N.J.