Letter: Tweets more powerful than bombs or missiles

Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 23, 2018

“Children ripped from their mother’s arms” is an inaccurate narrative parlayed by leftists to advance an anti-America agenda.

A June 20 Wall Street Journal article reports that Russian tweeters continue to influence public opinion and create division in America, with 3,800 troll farms accounting for 8 million tweets and retweets, taking advantage of Americans’ willingness to take every social media post and news report at face value.

It’s now known that Russia has tweeted both sides of issues (Charlottesville, NFL kneelers, Black Lives Matter and immigration, to name a few) in order to create division within the United States.

That, along with political correctness to stifle free speech and expression, is proving very effective at destroying America. It would appear our enemies have found weapons that are more effective and easier to deliver than bombs and missiles.

— Timothy Deal