Letter: Dems won’t give Trump a chance
Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 12, 2018
President Trump has put America first. He has made many good decisions. But, at the same time, he has those who do not want him successful, who constantly try to pull him down. They are like holding the brakes on for him to not be as successful. Because? He is not playing by “establishment” rules. He is not bought and paid for as those Democratic leaders and our main media are. He is against a system not working for Americans.
Congress makes decisions. But not very often these months because too many fight against each other. Too many outside sources influence them. And our country suffers greatly from their in action to do their jobs. Will not compromise for the best decisions.
As Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said:
“Democrats are using this investigation as a presumption of guilt, which I find astonishing and in the long run, for the health of this republic, I would encourage them to go back to the presumption of innocence that we use to hold sacred.
“There’s a presumption of guilt, there’s a desire by Democrat senators to fundraise off your investigation. More than 60 Democrats have already voted to proceed with impeachment before Bob Mueller has found a single, solitary, damn thing. More than 60 have voted to move forward with impeachment, and he hasn’t presented his first finding!”
Gowdy concluded: “Whatever you got, finish it the hell up because this country is being torn apart.”
Democrats do not want our country to be great again. They only want to take back control of our country for the Deep State’s agenda and to enrich their own pockets.
— Art Liles
China Grove