Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin
Published 12:00 am Sunday, July 22, 2018
Defense against NT
As most bridge players know, the opening lead is possibly the most important move the defense can make. Many books by many experts have written on this subject so there is much advice out there.
This theory was in the June 2018 Bridge Bulletin. When you are leading to a 3NT contract, ask yourself what you know from the bidding. Opponents have at least 25 HCPs and probably don’t have a major fit or they would be there. Now you can guess how many points partner has by looking at your own count.
If you are sitting with very few to no points and partner has given no clues during bidding, how can you get to partner who has something? With opponent’s having balanced hands does partner have a long suit? Lead from shortness. It’s as good as anything. If you have a good hand then partner is bankrupt. Any lead you make from strength give opponents a clue about your hand and helps their play. So now you lead from weakness and make opponents guess where the points are and come to you.
Winners at the Friday, July 13 Evergreen game: N/S 1st Dick Brisbin and Becky Creekmore, 2nd Marvin Jones and Mack Brown, 3rd Beth Shafer and Judy Hurder;
E/W 1st Marnie and Charles Buchta, 2nd Patsy Reynolds and Lawana Ford, 3rd Pat Featherston and Andra Cozart.
Featured is board # 8 from Friday’s game No one vulnerable. West dealer
S A J T 6
H T 7 5 3
D Q 2
C T 9 6
S K 9 5 4 3 S 8
H A K J 6 H Q 8 2
D 9 D A J 7 6 5 4
C A J 3 C K Q 2
S Q 7 2
H 9 4
D K T 8 3
C 8 7 5 4
Tom Johnson and Nancy Brandt defeated 6NW 2 tricks for best N/S score, while Fred Bachl and Wade Lowder bid and made 3NW+2 for best E/W score.
The July 17 Women’s Club stratified Howell game winners: 1st Fern Albracht and Judy Hurder, 2nd Mack Brown and Marvin Jones, 3rd Wade Lowder and Fred Bachl, 4th John and Myrnie McLaughlin, 5th Pat Macon and Becky Creekmore, 3rd in B strat Anita Graham and Wayne Pegram, 2nd in C strat Patsy Reynolds and Lawana Ford.