Letter: People of color are not being heard
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 28, 2018
I am white; I am privileged.
I did not request this. For most of my life I was not even aware of it.
I was not concerned that I would be denied renting an apartment or buying a house in certain neighborhoods because of the color of my skin, white privilege. I was not concerned that my life could be in danger or I could be severely injured because of the color of my skin, white privilege.
I was not concerned that I would not be welcome in certain restaurants, stores, clubs or organizations because of the color of of my skin, white privilege. I was not concerned that my intelligence would be questioned because of the color of my skin, white privilege. I was not concerned that I would be turned down for a job for which I was qualified because of the color of my skin, white privilege. I was not concerned that I would be called vile names or be subject to racial slurs because of the color of my skin, white privilege.
I have heard people say why do they have to keep bringing up the past? Why can’t they just move on? What past are they talking about, 100 years ago, 50 years ago, or just yesterday? These issues are still occurring.
The voices of people of color are not being heard. Their concerns are not being considered, their pain minimalized. It is those of us who have the power to influence or control the outcome for others who must speak up on their behalf. Won’t you stand up for justice, equality and respect for all people?
— Carol Pomeroy