Letter: A veteran, Wilhelm focuses on the right issues for NC

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 4, 2018

I support Arin Wilhelm for North Carolina state legislature. First, like me, he’s a military veteran. As a Marine veteran, the idea of finding “What you can do for your country” is at his core. He has continued this calling by being involved with multiple community organizations. Arin has experience reaching out for innovative ideas and following through with implementation.

Second, Arin is focused on tackling the scourge of substance abuse. He understands the threat of both the acute and the chronic conditions as disease. The current crisis of opioid overdoses and deaths need immediate attention at the state level. Emergency overdose kits with Naloxone made available throughout the community coupled with training is the first line of defense. Ensuring follow-up care (i.e., counseling, understanding their environment, and buttressing social support) are highly effectual procedures. Arin will lead the way using the “whole person” method of treatment.

Third, Arin cares about the conditions of those suffering from substance abuse. Our society must accept that addiction is a devastating disease that shouldn’t be hidden away. Arin will lead the fight in encouraging expansion of research and development of non-addictive pain medication, electronic prescribing for controlled substances, expansion of Medicare and Medicaid prevention. He sees the need for expansion of education initiatives, greater enforcement along the drug supply chain and greater access to medication-assisted treatment.

Finally, Arin recognizes that when people do seek treatment, our thin mental health and substance abuse treatment infrastructure cannot keep pace.

Please join me by providing the support he needs in the days until the election. Volunteer a little of your time and he can make big changes. Donate a little money to see the real impact Arin can achieve.

— Michael Stringer
