Letter: Save your water

Published 8:32 am Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Those on city water have little to be concerned about during a power failure, but those on a well and septic is another matter. Most people have an emergency water supply at hand they don’t think about. Your water heater contains 25 to 40 gallons of potable water that can be used in an emergency.

First, shut the valve at the top of the tank. Then shut off the power (gas or electric) to the water heater. Using a hose from the washing machine (about 3 feet long) connect it to the valve at the bottom of the water heater. Open the valve and fill a clean container. Also in an emergency, a 2-gallon bucket of water will flush a commode. After the power comes on, restore everything to the original condition.

This may come in handy with Florence knocking on our door.

— Donald Champion
