Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin
Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 16, 2018
Do I, don’t I, and when
Timing for drawing trump is often a question and doesn’t always follow the “always draw trump first” rule. As with all things, declarer must make a plan after the opening lead is made and dummy is down. Evaluate shape of both dummy and your hand and decide which is the,“master hand.” This is the hand with fewer losers. With an uneven hand, dummy or yours, you may need to wait to draw trump. You may need to play the stronger outside suits first to drop your losers on before you pull trump. Then when pulling trump, get in as many as possible but if the highest missing trump is still missing, stop drawing and play other suits trying to make opponents play the last trump without burning yours to pull it. You can increase your chances to make your contract if planning is done well.
The Friday, Sept. 7 Evergreen Howell game winners were: 1st Ruth Bowles and Marie Pugh, 2nd BettyBonner Steele and Patty King, 3rd Pat Featherston and Dick Brisbin, 4th Marnie and Charles Buchta, 5th Carol Bachl and Judy Gealy.
Featured is board #6 from the Sept. 7 game. E/W vulnerable. East dealer.
S A 9 8 4
H 3 2
D A Q 8 7 3
C 8 2
S K 6 S Q T 7 6 3 2
H A T 4 H 8 6
D K J 9 4 2 D 6 5
C A J T C 5 4 3
S 5
H K Q J 9 7 5
C K Q 9 7 6
Ruth Bowles and Marie Pugh had the best N/S score bidding 3NT making 5. Best E/W score made by Margaret and Chuck Rimer bidding and making 3SE.
Wednesday, Sept. 12 Bridge at Rufty Howell game winners: 1st Carol and Harold Winecoff, 2nd Toni Iossi and Dick Brisbin, 3rd Margaret and Chuck Rimer, 4th Marie Pugh and Loyd Hill, 5th Carol Bachl and Judy Gealy; Strat B 2nd Anita Graham and Marvin Jones; Strat C 1st Patsy Reynolds and Lawana Ford.
We hope all are surviving the storm and are staying safe