Letter: Public information is valuable commodity, too
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 22, 2019
The League of Women Voters of North Carolina is concerned about a recent decision to relocate the press room from the first floor of the North Carolina General Assembly Building in Raleigh to a much smaller space in a corner of the basement. The League of Women Voters has long held the belief that a transparent, open government is a requirement for good government.
The reporting of journalists about activities at the General Assembly is necessary to the people of North Carolina as they work to learn about legislation, hearings and committee meetings. Citizens who cannot attend these meetings rely on journalists to inform them.
The League is concerned that the decision to move the press room will decrease access to legislators by credentialed journalists and affect their ability to report to the people on actions taken by the General Assembly.
We understand that office space is a valuable commodity, but so is public information.
We encourage legislative leaders to reconsider this decision and allow, even encourage, the work of journalists to inform the people of North Carolina about their state government.
— Janet Hoy and Karen Bean
Co-presidents, League of Women Voters of NC