Letter: Democrats now turn attention to health care
Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 6, 2019
Having lost a two-year battle of lies about President Donald Trump’s collusion with the Russians and the building of a wall, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats and the liberal media have now turn their attention to saving Obamacare.
The liberal crying is now about insurance for those with pre-existing conditions. Having spent over 30 years in the business of insurance, I can tell you insuring those with pre-existing conditions is not insurance. It is welfare.
You cannot buy insurance after you wreck a car. You cannot insure your home after it has burned down.
So, how are we to help those with pre-existing conditions? My best guess is there will have to be legislation enacted and supported financially by the rest of us. Unfortunately, a government-run business does not fare well. Decisions are made according to politics and not good business practices.
Any welfare program for those with pre-existing conditions should be managed by the existing insurance companies. Government participation could involve use of tax dollars to help pay for those who are not insurable under regular medical insurance standards.
There should be a “Medical Excess Committee” established to oversee this program. This committee should be composed of a member from each party of the U.S. House, Senate and insurance companies. It would actively manage medical coverage for those with pre-existing conditions. Those able financially would be expected to help pay toward their coverage, with the excess premium to be paid by the “Medical Excess Committee.”
One more thing, insurance is not a tax, and a tax is not insurance. From the beginning, Obamacare was unconstitutional, even though the Supreme Court chose to rule it was. Hopefully, this will soon be corrected.
— Richard Roberts