Letter: National, not local, reporting is problem

Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 18, 2019

One should always give credit where it is due.

My case-in-point is Editor Josh Bergeron’s column published April 6 (“Insight into consumers’ views of local news”).

I agree with his assessment that the Post generally has great coverage of local reporting.  An occasional exception is their obvious dislike of the Second Amendment.  My beef with the Post is and has always been the reprinting of national sources consisting of a liberal and dishonest arm of the Democratic Party.  There’s no other possible way to explain 93% negative coverage of President Donald Trump.

My example is page 2A of the April 4 newspaper, which contained an attempt by the Associated Press to slow down the flow of support President Trump is gathering from the Jewish Community.  The AP refers to Trump’s 2017 handling of Charlottesville, by stating, “Trump was slow to condemn white supremacists who marched violently.”

It should have said, “Marched peacefully” until left-wing thugs like ANTIFA showed up with weapons. There are words to describe reporting one side of two-sided issues — brainwashing, dishonesty and hypocrisy.               

It’s kind of like the dishonest statement in Calvin Safrit’s letter letter to the editor published April 6 stating that Mueller has indicted a lot of “witches” in Trump’s “witch hunt.” It’s true, that Mueller indicted a bus load of people. The problem is that not one of them had anything to do with collusion or obstruction. It’s another feeble attempt at brainwashing.

— Randy Biggerstaff
