Spring celebration at park a success
Published 12:00 am Friday, April 19, 2019
Cool gray skies, 2,000 buttery yellow blooms, a few sprinkles and almost 200 visitors created one of the best Hurley Park Spring Celebrations on Sunday, April 7.
This annual event has been going on for 32 years and each year it seems to get better and better. We thought the weather was going to cause a decline in participation, but we had as much as any year; it just started off as a slow trickle.
Children were laughing, running to see who could catch the largest bubble first, all while wearing a bright crimson Cheerwine smile. It was a great event. Everyone seemed to enjoy the Salisbury Swing Band serenading all of the attendees.
Families enjoyed a day in the park to reminisce, spend time with each other, lie on blankets, and just enjoy nature. On the flip side for volunteers, city employees and park managers, it was quite hectic, but what a great way to kick off spring. Another great celebration to put in the books.
It definitely seemed like everything was in tune. The flowers were blooming beautifully, the fountain was finally working and the paths were complete so everyone could walk and enjoy the beauty.
This free event provided every guest with free horse and carriage rides, music, an obstacle course, Bubble Circus, Nature Trail with identification and, of course, free snacks. We even had an Arbor Day Celebration to plant a cherry tree in the park.
Without our volunteers, staff and entertainment, we would not have been as successful. The Hurley Park Board and staff are appreciative to our volunteers, Salisbury Swing Band, Triple Springs Horse Run, The Bubble Circus, Cheerwine, Salisbury Symphony, Food Lion, Rowan County Cooperative Extension, Rowan County Soil and Water, Horizons Unlimited, Rowan Redbuds Garden Club, Rowan Rose Society, Rowan Extension Master Gardeners, Carolina Artists, The Chill, Salisbury Fire Department, NC Wildlife and NC Forestry. Each one helped make the annual Hurley Park Spring Celebration a great success and we hope they will be able to continue to support our annual tradition.
If you would like to learn more about Hurley Park or the Spring Celebration or would like to donate or volunteer at the park, please contact us by email, phone or through our social media. For more information or to donate to Hurley Park, please visit: https://salisburync.gov/Government/Parks-and-Recreation/Parks/Hurley-Park, like us on Facebook and Instagram @HurleyParkSalisbury or call us at 704-638-4459.