Letter: Give citizens of Spencer more input

Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 25, 2019

I read the article in the newspaper Tuesday about the fighting going on in the Town of Spencer (“Spencer facing NAACP probe after leaked recording”).

I live in the Town of Spencer and, to me, the people that are supposed to represent the citizens are acting more like children than adults.

First, the issues with the Spencer Board of Aldermen should come to the people for a vote since we are the ones that should have a say as to who represents us.

Second, I was delighted to hear that the town was moving to the Park Plaza area.

I am disabled and in a wheelchair.

It is extremely difficult for me to access the town of Spencer’s offices in the present location.

Park Plaza would be better when people are trying to curbside vote, as there isn’t enough parking now and poll workers can’t see who is in need of this service.

Third, I think that perhaps the citizens of Spencer need to have more input into major town position hiring since we pay the salaries of these people.

Please act like adults and bring back the trust that the people of Spencer need to have in those they elect and pay.

— Mary Fillinger
