Letter: Seniors create, connect, contribute

Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 16, 2019

May is National Older Americans Month. This year’s theme is “Connect, Create, Contribute.” This national theme adds to Rufty-Holmes Senior Center’s motto of “Adding life to years” for Rowan County older adults.

Rufty-Holmes encourages older adults and our community to connect with friends, family and services that support active, healthy living.

Older adults create by engaging in activities that promote learning, mental and physical health, personal enrichment and expression.

Rowan County benefits from our older adults who contribute time, talent and life experience to benefit others.

We applaud our local communities for encouraging the contributions of older adults, which make us all stronger. By engaging and supporting all community members, we recognize older adults play a key role in the vitality of our neighborhoods, networks and lives.

We encourage community members to look to our older adult neighbors, church members and friends for advice, wisdom and willingness to work and volunteer.

Rufty-Holmes Senior Center and other vital community agencies are honored to serve our county’s older adults. We encourage all older adults to connect, create and contribute your wisdom and experience for our collective good. There is no better time to start than now.

— Nan Buehrer


Editor’s note: Nan Buehrer is executive director of Rufty-Holmes Senior Center.