Rose Show to honor Becky Lowery

Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 19, 2019

By Sara Hill, President Rowan Rose Society

The 60th Annual Rose Show sponsored by the Rowan Rose Society will be held Saturday, May 25 from 1-5 p.m. at the Salisbury Civic Center, 315 S. MLK Jr. Ave., and will honor Becky Lowery, a charter member of the Rowan Rose Society which was established in 1957.

Becky Lowery contributed much to the love of roses for the past 62 years, serving as a leader in the society, growing beautiful roses, exhibiting individual roses as well as prize winning arrangements at countless rose shows.

Becky’s late husband, John, also a charter member, designed and was instrumental in building the Triangle Rose Garden on West Innes Street, which the Rose Society still maintains.

This years show will bring together North Carolina and South Carolina (the Carolina District of the American Rose Society) rose exhibitors with over 40 awards given in the “Horticultural Schedule” (Hybrid Teas, Grandifloras, Floribundas, Climbing, Miniatures, Mini-Floras, etc. ) and 10 awards given within the “Artistic Design Division” (arrangements) and 10 awards in the special Carolina District Challenge Classes.

The theme for the Artistic Design category is “Music Memories from the 50s.” You do not need to belong to a rose society to exhibit your roses. The doors open for exhibitors at 6 a.m. on Saturday. Judging begins at 10 a.m. and open to the public at 1 p.m. Come. Let the roses meet you.

The American Rose Society was formed in 1892 and now more than 11,000 members strong. The New Dawn Rose, discovered in 1931, was the first plant to be patented under the U.S. Plant Patented Act. In 1986, President Ronald Regan signed a proclamation certifying the Rose as the U.S. Floral Emblem of the nation.

We want to thank the generosity of the many patrons and donors of awards making our shows a success for the past 60 years, the exhibitors who favor our show with their beautiful roses, the judges who sometimes drive long distances and donate their time and expertise. Thank you.

The Rowan Rose Society has a strong membership working on a local, district and national level to educate our friends in Rowan County to the appreciation and growing of roses. Please joins us. We meet the third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. in the fellowship hall of John Calvin Presbyterian Church, 1620 Brenner Ave.

See you at the Rose Show.

At the close of the show on Saturday, show roses will be sold with proceeds to benefit the American Rose Society.

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