Letter: Some other acronyms for ‘be an original’
Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 26, 2019
Every time I see the words “be an original,” I try to figure out what it means besides spending a pile of money on nothing. So I thought I could give it some meaning with a few acronyms.
The first one is for the folks who can’t see the trees for the balloons: “Balloons everywhere and nobody objects regarding its garbage. It’s nonsense and littering.”
For the editor of the Salisbury Post, I’m not a third-grader. I know the difference between a mule and a jackass, ain’t and aren’t, and don’t and doesn’t. I’m tired of you changing what I say and leaving out very important parts of my writings. Maybe you should spend more time proofreading the convoluted stories your paid employees write and leave us “not for hire” letter writers alone.
Being the editor don’t make you right all the time; it just makes you the editor all the time. So, here goes yours — “Bergeron’s edits ain’t necessary or required In gettin’ involved nitpickin’ accountable letters.”
The county “bored” is responsible for this highly overpaid, ridiculous and unnecessary brand. So I don’t want to shun them. This one is for the “cup” they were awarded “for all the work” they put in to get tobacco banned from the parks.
“Beware Edds and Novant, observant Rowan is gonna insinuate nicotine annihilations lapsed.”
If anyone wants to be original, why don’t you try doing it with a little common sense? Now that would be original.
— Whitey Harwood
Rowan County