Letter: Heggins gives out more hugs than criticism

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 24, 2019

We have an important decision to make in this election. As a community, we have to decide who will speak for us. We must make a determination as to which candidates embrace not just the city we currently reside in but also the community we wish to see.

We have the chance to elect a council that is diverse and representative of our entire city. More specifically and most importantly, we have the opportunity to elect someone who actually cares about people as people — not as statistics, voters or obstacles. I emphatically believe that candidate is Al Heggins.

Heggins truly embodies servant leadership through her advocacy for the people she serves. She embraces kindness, humility, love and respect for all. In the face of polarizing differences, she has fought to find common ground. She is a champion for inclusivity.

Heggins cares about the people of Salisbury. This is evident not just in the practical, human elements of her service — things like her referring to City Hall as “the people’s house,” or the fact that in her tenure she has given more hugs than criticism — but in her policy efforts to affect systemic change. For me, her work with the School Justice Partnership is most impressive. This initiative is keeping our kids out of the courthouse and keeping them in school. The partnership reduces the number of suspensions and youth involvement within the criminal justice system by strengthening in-school resources for dealing with behavioral issues and student misconduct. This work is ongoing and it helps to eliminate the school-to-prison pipeline.

Salisbury deserves a candidate who puts people before politics. That is why I endorse Heggins. I invite people, in fact I implore them, to join me in voting for Al Heggins for Salisbury City Council.

— Ryan M. Stowe
