Letter: Nothing wrong with classroom instruction

Published 11:21 pm Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Recently the school board gathered to a have discussion about East Rowan High School having an online academy. I would just like to add a parental perspective from talking to numerous parents from different schools throughout Rowan County.

Parents are concerned about flexible schedules that allow students to spend so little time at school. Parents are concerned about children not having enough teachers in the school system to cover for teachers being absent for personal and or family related emergencies.

Student grades suffer from state rules regarding substitutes.

Parents are frustrated with trying to juggle their own schedules on top of their children having revolving class schedules. Parents are concerned about discipline. Parents do not like online classes. Parents want their children to learn and want their children to have engaging teachers.

This is why we have our children in school — to learn.

According to an article in the Salisbury Post last week (“East Rowan proposes academy offering online path to diploma”), 1,550 students were homeschooled 10 years ago. The number is now 2,671.

The one thing I hear repeatedly throughout Rowan County is my child’s entire education has been one experiment after another. The only way to change that homeschool number is to teach and do such a great job that parents tell other parents what an amazing job Rowan County schools are doing.

As parents, this is not what we hear.

I hear things like “my senior next semester does not have one class on campus; he or she could only take an online class.” I hear “my child does not have a science teacher now.”

Parents are not happy. Parents are not satisfied. I have not heard one public school parent say what we need is more computers and less time in the classroom.

There is not one thing wrong with a traditional classroom and a traditional schedule.

Please, school board, consider this going forward when making decisions in our Rowan-Salisbury School System.

  Renee McDaniel
