Letter: Parents must hold students accountable
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Mr. Delmar McDaniel in his Nov. 20 letter to the editor (“Hold seminars for teachers instead”) brought up a valid point. While the U.S. ranks 25th in education and first in money spent per student globally, he suggested foreign educators hold seminars for U.S. teachers.
My suggestion would be for American parents of school age children to take responsibility and expect more while offering discipline and encouragement.
Parents are the first teacher a child has. What happens to them and around them in the home is the way they perceive “normal” in society. Teachers cannot and should not be the only instructor for a child.
Money alone is not going to cure the education problem. It will take an effort, not only by teachers, but parents who truly parent and hold their children accountable.
Mary Wallace