Letter: Make America gracious again

Published 12:00 am Sunday, February 9, 2020

Did everyone watch President Trump’s State of the Union speech?

I found it did not contain any specific information on how he plans to better our way of life. It was a speech that did not once mention the reality of climate change or detail a health care plan.

I am troubled by the way he tries to pull on the heart strings of the American people. He reunited a family with their husband who was overseas, but there are still thousands of soldiers fighting. This was only one family.

He gave a scholarship to a child in Pennsylvania to the school of her choice. But this was only one child. Private schools are not the answer. There needs to be public education that excels in all areas of the country, not just wealthy areas.

He criminalizes those who come to seek a better life for their families by describing a scene from CSI, but that was only one individual. He bragged during the entire speech how he has made America great, but America has always been great. It is great because of our previous leaders, our history of inclusiveness, freedoms and how we treat each other.

Let’s come together and get back to an America that truly was great. We are each one and each of us can make a difference. Vote in November for the candidate that can make America gracious again.

Judy Smith
