Letter: Be kind to others regardless of ethnicity

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, February 25, 2020

You may or may not have heard about the problem of Hispanics being deported and also, about Donald Trump as our president, there’s been a lot of racism going around.

As part of the Hispanic community, it concerns me how some people are willing to start up problems because of who we are. For example in our local Cici’s pizza, some customers decided to tell the Hispanic workers there that they didn’t want them to serve them because they were Hispanic. Also at our local Walmart, a cashier told a Mexican shopper that she needs to learn how to speak English.

There is nothing wrong with supporting Trump and his decisions with immigration, but if you’re one of the people out there being racist or rude to any Hispanic, please stop and think how it affects people.

Many Hispanics are being bullied and treated badly, which can affect them in many ways. Some have hurt themselves, got into a depression, have committed suicide or have decided to hurt others. Even at my school, some students make jokes about Hispanic immigration, our skin tone, our lifestyle and more. Once, I spoke about one of my uncles being deported. A lot of people talked about it in good and bad ways. It affected me.

All this hate and racism has changed our society.

We are all people. We should all be treated with respect and should also be treated equally. I hope that, by reading this, it inspires you to help our society and try to stop this problem by being kind and respecting everyone.

— Dasne Aguirre
