Letter: Delusional rantings of man who lost in Huffman’s piece

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 16, 2021

I feel the need to respond to the over-the-top and, frankly, misleading opinion piece in Wednesday’s online edition of the Salisbury Post by failed congressional candidate Scott Huffman “We deserve better than Ted Budd.” His piece was littered with inaccuracies, falsehoods and outright lies about Congressman Ted Budd.

He first attacked Congressman Budd for objecting to the Electoral College count on January 6th and blamed him for causing mob violence. By objecting, Congressman Budd engaged in the same constitutional process as Democrats have done after every Republican presidential victory this century (2000, 2004, 2016). Democrats didn’t endorse violence then, and Congressman Budd didn’t endorse it on Jan. 6. Congressman Budd was on the House floor when the mob tried to breach the chamber, and news reports described how Congressman Budd and Republican and Democrat lawmakers helped each other reach safety.

Next, Huffman uncorked a totally unsubstantiated claim that “Ted Budd drove the maximum of $10 million to his already wealthy family business.” That is flat out false. Financial records prove that Congressman Budd hasn’t had any financial stake in his family’s business since 2003. Huffman doesn’t seem to understand the difference between fact and fiction.

What is most outrageous is Huffman’s statement that Congressman Budd, “has told us that he doesn’t mind chants of ‘white power.’” This is an utterly offensive charge to make, especially with zero evidence. Congressman Budd has a history of helping men and women of all backgrounds by helping build an economy that resulted in the lowest unemployment for minority communities in history, as well sponsoring legislation that provided funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

In the end, Huffman’s piece represents the delusional rantings of a man who lost in a landslide, receiving only 32% of the vote. Huffman needs to take a deep breath and get a grip.

— Donald Vick